Monday, June 26, 2017

T-Minus One Month

Summer is flying by, and the school year is getting closer and closer. Before I get into the summer planning, I want to remind you that summer is still here, which means that you need to continue relaxing and enjoying your time with family. All of the things that are running through your head will get done, I promise!

If you are like I was and this is your first year teaching, you may be thinking, "Where do I even begin?!?!".  Since it is still summer, there are a few things that you can get done when you are looking for something to do to help you get prepared. These simple tasks will make the beginning of the year a tad easier and hopefully run smoother.

Make a Pinterest Board

If you have not already done so, go ahead and create a Pinterest for your classroom. Here you can start figuring out the theme for you classroom, saving centers that will work for your grade, and tips from other teachers for how to have a successful classroom. I am continuously pinning ideas to my board that can help me out. The first thing that you should begin looking for are ideas for possible decorations. I chose an owl theme because it is gender neutral and easy to find decorations. If you are crafty, go ahead and start working on some decorations that can be done at home. I loved having pompoms hanging from the ceiling, and they are super easy to make. When you are looking for decorations, whether it be on Pinterest or in the store, remember that your room doesn't have to have every wall filled; I think the less cluttered, the better.

Look for Beginning of the Year Centers 

From the very first day with students, you are going to need a few centers for the students to begin practicing the routines that you would like for you classroom, as well as for you to get a quick view of what the students already know. For Kindergarten ELA, I would suggest finding a few ABC centers (for ABC order and recognizing upper and lower case), beginning sound centers, sequencing centers, and several rhyming centers. There is a chance that the students may not know how to do any of the centers, but you are teaching them rules and procedures for center time.  I learned very quickly that teaching the rules and procedures during center time is very important!! When searching for centers, I usually go to Teachers Pay Teachers, and go straight to the free section. You may have to do a little digging, but there are great centers for teachers. Another great website to use for free resources is The Measured Mom; I would recommend creating a tab on your browser for this cite. Anna has shared centers, guided reading books, and ideas that are great to use in the classroom. I would suggest finding around seven centers that you can use for the first couple of weeks. If need be, the students can work with a partner to complete the center.

Create a GoNoodle

GoNoodle is such a great resource and so easy to use. The kids will love singing and dancing along to the popular and fun songs that they have. I use GoNoodle as a brain break or for when we have indoor recess. For the first day of school, I definitely recommend using this resource to loosen up the students. And like I have said, it is so easy to sign up and one less thing that you have to do during the planning days. 

Don't forget to continue enjoying your summer and DO NOT stress about the beginning of the year. If you go ahead and follow these tips during your free time, it will help your transition into your first year less stressful.

Also, teacher friends, if you have any other ideas about how to get better prepared for the school year, comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts! 

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