Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Essentials for the First Day of School

When you think about getting ready for the first day of school, you probably focus on what activities you are going to do with the students and how to make it the best day possible for them. However, there are a few things that will help you have the best day possible.

Name Tags

You have 18-25 new students in your classroom, and if you are like me, it takes a while to learn all of their names. My mentor teacher suggested to make name tags out of felt fabric and puffy paint. By doing this, she said that you can use these name tags any time throughout the year, like when there is a substitute, or on field trip. She also said by doing this, the students will not play with them and they will not get dirty. I tried it for my first year, and loved it! I was able to use them throughout the entire year. I think it is very important to have name tags for the first day, and believe this is a great way to do them.

Transportation Tags

You also need to know how each child is getting home. If you are a Kindergarten teacher, the students are going to have no idea how to get home and it is up to you make sure they get to where they need to be. In our classroom, we use transportation tags to place on their book bag. This helps you, and any other staff in the school, to help the students get to where they need to be. And parents will love you when their child gets home safely. We use transportation tags made by Samantha Kelly. You can get the tags HERE.

First Day of School Frame 

It is always fun to take pictures of your students on the first day. Kelly Hallock from my school made the cutest board, that she was able to reuse the board throughout the year. If you want to take pictures of your students, go ahead and make the frame that you would like to use. I recommend doing this, because the parents love it! 

These tips are a few essential ways to make your first day of school smoother. If I had to pick one to do, it is definitely getting transportation tags. If you have any other essentials for the first day, I would love for you to share. 

If this post has been helpful, follow my blog, and share with other teachers! Thanks in advance.

Facebook: Mrs. Peay's Kindergarten Adventures
Instagram: @mrspeaysclass

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