Teacher Wish List
- Crayola markers
- Play-Doh
- Gallon size bags: I used a lot of these to organize the centers.
- Sandwich size bags: Also great for putting centers into.
- Baby wipes
- Regular wipes (Clorox)
- Clothes pins: These are great for centers.
- Paper towels
- Books
- Kitchen toys: I needed this as a first year teacher!
- Board games
- Essential Oils: I had a parent give our classroom a defuser, and we used On Guard and Orange oils. - Dish soap
- Stickers
- Colored Cardstock
- Post-it notes
*** All of the items list above are things that I asked parents to get, or I am planning on asking for this year.
If you are going to do a wish list, make sure you print out individual cards, or write the items on a post-it note; this way, the parents can take the card home with them for shopping. Make sure that your wish list is visible during Open House night. I have posted mine on the white board, and have also seen teachers lay the wish list out on a table. I have created a wish list that you can edit to suit your class, print out the cards, and display them so the parents can take several home. I tell parents to pick however many they want to volunteer for, and they can take the cards with them.
Teacher Wish List: Free Download!
*** If you would like to edit the PowerPoint to make it your own, comment below.

*** If you would like to edit the PowerPoint to make it your own, comment below.
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